• Many countries are facing water scarcity (colored in red on the world map)
  • 2 billion people threatened by water shortage
  • With the existing climate change scenario, almost half the world’s population will be living in areas of high water stress by 2030


  1. Global warming consequences, which are currently affecting the hydrological basins water resources are:
    • Diminishing water quality
    • increasing temperature
  2. Climate change will increase the fresh water gap between the have and have-not regions  as shown in the world map
  3. Forest fires:
    • 3,981 fires were registered in 2018 from January through August
    • 629,531 Acres were destroyed because of drought and high temperatures
    • 5 times larger than the 5 year averages (128,578 Acres)


  1. Cape Town-South Africa
    • 3.8 million residents
    • Restricted to 50 liters a day/person
    • 7 times less than average U.S. citizens
  2. Daily water usage based on the Cape Town government calculation for the Think Water campaign (in liters)


Shower (2 min) Toilet + Hygiene Drinking + Cooking Dishes + Cleaning Total


20 8 5 11.5




  • Abnormal dryness or drought are currently affecting approximately 28,239,000 people in California, which is about 76% of the state’s population.
  • Town of Paskenta (near Sacramento) with population of 112 ran out of water because their creek dried up.
  • Town of Davenport (near Santa Cruz) with population of 408 ran out of water because of extreme weather and pipe damage.
  • In East Porterville (near Los Angeles) with population of 5000, Office of Emergency Services connected storage tanks (9000 L capacity) to each home’s water line



  • Current urban population is 55%
  • Urban population expected to reach 68% by 2050
  • Available urban water per capita trend is inverse to population’s growth
  • Water demands to increase by 50% within 30 years
  • 2.1 trillion gallons of purified drinking water are lost annually because of aging infrastructure in the U.S.
  • Drinking water and wastewater plants account for 30 to 40 percent of total energy consumed
AWN NANOTECH products can support Metropolitan around the world to withstand the effects of water scarcity and supply them with enough clean potable water.


Sossusvlei, Namibia, Africa
What Climate Models Get Wrong About Future Water Availability

By Emily Underwood
April, 05th 2019

An article summarizing new and old studies predicting the rainfall around the globe and how the models developed in each study are aligned in some areas of the world and not matching in many others.

‘Why are you crying, Mami?’ In Venezuela, the search for water is a daily struggle.

By Arelis R. Hernández and Mariana Zuñiga
April, 04th 2019

Around two thirds of the population of Venezuela have suffered shortages or lost water completely. People are searching everywhere for whatever available water resource including urban wells, surging diseases such like diarrhea and typhoid fever. All of this is because of the power outages affecting pumps of the public water system.

A dry riverbed in California
Who keeps buying California’s scarce water? Saudi Arabia

By Lauren Markham
March, 25th 2019

A Saudi food production company is farming water-intensive crop in Blythe, California, to feed its cows in Saudi Arabia, pressurizing the already drying water resources of the state. This article highlights how the state is managing its water resources in Blythe, the farmers reaction and how these farms are affecting the current water scarcity situation in that area.

Nant-y-moch drought: the reservoir at Bryn y Beddau
England could run short of water within 25 years

By Damian Carrington
March, 18th 2019

This article highlights the fact that England is facing the point where water demand from the country’s rising population surpasses the falling supply resulting from climate change. In order to avoid this situation, people have to cut water use by a third, water companies has to control and reduce their pipes leakage by 50% and additional reservoirs, desalination plants should be built.

A-t-on assez d’eau pour nourrir la planète ?

By Francois Molle and Florent Maraux
January, 01st 2008

An article drawing attention to the water problem facing the food production industry. In addition, the article highlights the causes of this deficit, it suggests solutions to overcome the shortfall and to ensure the future needs of the planet growing population.

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